Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Genesis 28-31

Theme: Scheming, deception, and disobedience to God. Jacobs life was like a soap opera. It probably was inherited from his mother Rebekah who taught him well with the birthright deception episode. It's funny that Jacob, the second born, stole Esau's birthright and then when he worked 7 years for Rachel, the second born, he had to instead marry Leah, the oldest. He was deceived by Laban. He still got Rachel but at the cost of 7 more years. It very much runs in the family. Then Jacob practices deception against Laban concerning his cattle when he leaves. It seems Rachel was practicing idolatry by stealing Laban's idols. And since they were his idols he must have also been involved in idolatry. In spite of all this God was still faithful and kept his promises to Jacob. I think we see this same sort of thing today in our political arena. But to be honest I think we're all guilty of it at some level. May we repent and pray to God for a pure heart and pure motives in all our affairs.

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