Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Romans 13,14

Chapter 14: one of the topics of Romans 14 deals with the problem of questionable things in the Christian life and what to do when sincere Christians disagree about personal practices. Paul recognizes that in each local church there are mature believers (“We that are strong,” 15:1) as well as immature (“him that is weak in faith,” 14:1), and that these two groups may disagree on how the Christian is to live. The Jewish Christians might want to cling to special holy days and OT dietary laws, while the Gentile believers might turn their Christian liberty into license and offend their Jewish brothers and sisters. Many Christians have the false notion that extreme legalism (observing days and diets) shows strong faith, but Paul states that just the opposite is true! It is the Christian that is mature in the faith who recognizes the truths found in Col. 2:18–23.

Just read Dan's post and I would also like to encourage your thoughts on God's Word. I am an old guy but I'm still a baby in my Christian walk. I'm only eight years old. I didn't have great mentors in my life when I was young and I realize now what I missed by being worldly and self willed and not in God's Word. Don't miss this great opportunity for spiritual growth.

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