Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Romans 13-14

Dave, you have given great points on the scripture readings.  I would like to hear from some of you others that are reading and let us old guys know what you are thinking about.   These chapters reveal several things to me.  1)  I need to submit to governing authorities. Give them the respect that they deserve.  God has placed them in their positions for His purpose whether I like it or not.  This is a hard one to swallow sometimes but I need to trust that God knows much better of how to get others to Him than I.   2) In 13:8 he says to owe no one anything, except to love each other.. I have taken this not only in the sense of obligation to help, return a favor, etc but also as a point to not get into debt.  I think it is important for the young adults to understand that debt causes a lot of problems later.  Avoid credit card bills, etc that are just debt for the sake of filling earthly desires and you will be free. 3)  The times when we quarrel over opinions is meaningless.  In 14:1 it is discussing you trying to make a point of what is right or wrong with someone who is weak in the faith.  Let God deal with that.  It is okay to share what you interpret the truth as but you do not need to force others to believe your way.  God will take care of that and hold each of us accountable according to what we know.    Do not judge yourself or other or cause a stumbling block for you brother whether it be through judgement, actions, or words.  There is no reason to do something, though it may be permissible, if your brother thinks it is wrong.  There are numerous situations that this can come into play.  Trust God and His word.   Have faith in what He is doing.   As it says in 14:23..For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.   If we try to justify ourselves and what we want lacking the faith then God says it is sin.   Whoa.  Heavy stuff but it is truth and I choose to follow it.  

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