Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Matthew 11-13

Matthew 11
John the Baptist, the greatest of men born of women, but least in the kingdom of heaven. But even this great man must have wondered about Jesus while trapped in his dark, lonely cell. Like many Jews of the day, including the Apostles, maybe he thought Jesus had come to set up His kingdom right now and doubt had set in. Therefore he asks the question "Are you the Coming One, or do we look for another?" Jesus answer is remarkable and is a direct reference to Isaiah 35:4-6. Jesus knew that John would recognize his credentials from the OT and ease his fear.

Matthew 13
I have to comment on Matthew 13:33. For eight years now I've pondered over, studied, prayed about, asked at least five different pastors about, and read numerous commentaries about this verse. I've gotten many different answers. I still don't have my answer. Does the leaven represent evil, or the gospel, or something else? What does the woman represent? It's driving me nuts. My translation says she hid the leaven, others say she put in the leaven. Translators can't even decide. Anyway... :) that's what I've got to say about that.

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