Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Genesis 1-3

I love Genesis 1:27. It reminds me that we were created as a human version of the Lord; in His likeness. That ultimately means, to me, that it comes with worldly trials and temptations, yet we still have the mind of the Lord within us to help us through those tough times. Things have become skewed, like in the Garden of Eden, and we choose to give in to our seemingly "logical" doubts (Gen. 3:1). We make inaccurate justifications for our human-like doubts and temptations (Gen 3:5). We convince ourselves it is ok and we mentally ignore the inevitably daunting consequences. We take others down with us because we desire to share in our sinful wisdoms (Gen 3:6). We all know that we are wrong in what we do; it is there inside of us. Adam and Eve hid from the Lord because they ultimately knew that what they did was against His will (Gen. 3:8). We get caught and we try to cast blame on other people and situations, though we ought to own up to our individual guilt. We make our own choices. The Lord already knows everything that we do; He just wants us to be honest with Him (Gen. 3:11, 13). Whether we choose to confess or not, we ultimately have to deal with the consequences of our blatantly sinful actions. There are ALWAYS consequences for sin (Gen. 3:14-24). But, we must remember that we are created in His image, internally equipped with His knowledge of what is right and wrong. The direct disobediences of our every day lives, which are followed by consequences, can be avoided if we listen to the part of us that internally voices the Lord's guidance.

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