Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Isaiah 1-6

The book of Isaiah is a real smack in the face to those of us who believe that everything we do is because of ourselves. We get so wrapped up in believing that what we do on our own; our wisdom, our deeds (good and evil), our talents, etc. are all products of a personal achievement. We all know somewhere deep inside that there is something bigger than us. Our consciences are a prime example. There must be something more if there is an internal spectrum of right and wrong. If there was no governing force out there, there would be no correct and incorrect. We would all be able to do what we want in this life without question of whether it is correct because our greatest judges would simply be the people around us. Therefore, those who choose not to dig deeper into the possibility of accuracy within that statement, continue their sinful ways. It obviously causes damage, yet it is the way of our fallen nature (Isaiah 1:4-6). We choose not to strive for better because we believe it to be difficult and not worth it compared to immediate earthly pleasures. Though temporary, we find those to be more worth it because it caters to the "it's all about me and what is pleasing to myself" mentality. The damage that our sinful nature leads us to is just astounding. Yet, we ignore it because we, for whatever reason, believe it is worth the price we pay. You know what price we pay for being Christ-followers? We are asked to live a life that is not about us. A life that does not cater to our every whim. A life that, in the end, may not cause us to be rich, healthy or well-liked. Yet, if we choose that route, God promises us the pay-off (Isaiah 3:10). We all think it will be difficult having to give this or that up to follow Christ. I know that was a HUGE issue for me when I decided to give the Lord my life. But, that is just it! God doesn't want our sacrifices. He doesn't want what we will "give up for Him." He just wants US (Isaiah 1:11-13). He understands that living a God-fearing life is not going to come easily, but that is why He wants to forgive us (Isaiah 1:18-19). The effort on our part is as simple as choosing to stop the wrong we partake in and seek to do what is right (Isaiah 1:16-17). We must be willing and obedient and He will bless us (Isaiah 1:19). Easy? No. Worth it? COMPLETELY (Isaiah 3:10). So, again, from an eternal standpoint this time; what are we giving up to follow God? Those who choose the immediate over the eternal will have earthly riches now, but nothing in the end (Isaiah 2:6-9). This life is all we have, death will end those who have not lived a life worthy of eternal joy in Heaven (Isaiah 1:20, 28). On judgment day all that we have gained on earth will be stripped from us (Isaiah 3:18-23). We will be left with our soul and the deeds (negative or positive) that we have wracked up in this life. What will your judgment be? Often times, I fear that my downfall will be that I think things are about me. The good things that happen to me are an account of what I have done. That is the evil nature within us, so we choose to go with what we believe to be right, though it is usually skewed as compared to what the Lord would have us do. If I am going to call myself a follower of Christ, I must defy my human nature, keep my eyes focused on the Lord and HIS will, and be humbled by what God can do through me, not what I can accomplish in this life. Everything I have, all that I am is from God, why misuse it? It is not about me.

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