Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Job 3-5

Job regrets ever being born.  Do you think he was depressed, hurting, etc?  There are those who are out of work, get a splinter, have an argument, or a get a headache and feel the same way.  This man is sick, in pain and lost everything.  I can't imagine and I pray none of us need suffer this bad.  Though in vs 5:17 it says blessed is the one whom God reproves, therefore do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.  IIt goes on to say that Job will have many descendants, live to be a ripe old age, and that this is good for him.  I imagine at that time Job was having a hard time understanding that this was good for him.  I have a hard time understanding that my trials are good for me but I need to be intentional in my thinking that when things are not pleasant for me, God is still God and I am not.  I will trust Him-completely.   Job's friends, who should not speak, started telling him it must have been his fault as what they have seen is that those who plow iniquity also reap the same.  We know that is not Job's case.  God disciplines us for his glory.  His grace does not allow Him to discipline us for what we do wrong.  Thank Him for that.  Anyway, Job is a comfort to me to realize that suffering can be good for me and though I do not think that way in the midst of my trials, I need to be intentional in my thought that I trust His will for me through them as He will never leave me or forsake me.

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