Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What I think: Job 3-4

Job ends up doing what I believe most of us would have done long before things got to the point they did. I admire Job for still serving the Lord through the horrid things he was forced to endure. He does, however, take his eyes off of the Lord's promises to sulk. While it is understandable, he (in addition to all of us) should put into practice what Eliphaz said to smack Job back into the realization of what his faith does for him. I absolutely love his response. He shows Job that his suffering is for the Lord. He shouldn't be down because all that is happening is due to God's plan for him. While the idea that a side-effect of choosing to live solely for the Lord is great trials, so much more is promised to us because we live to serve the Creator of all things. This life is only temporary and the struggles within it are imminent. If we keep our eyes focused on the Lord and His promise of blessings, He will carry us through the storms of our mortality. Keeping our eyes focused outward on how we can help others will not only take our minds off of our present circumstances, but it will also give us hope of a better tomorrow due to living the way the Lord would have us to live. The struggles of this life are difficult, and in Job's case, overwhelming, but remembering that we are living for our creator and His ultimate purpose should help us to realize that it is not about us. It is not about what we go through or the curve balls thrown our way. It is about reaching out to people who don't have a relationship with the one who saved them. It is about giving others what we already have. Job did that through being a living vessel for the Lord to work through; a beacon of hope for those who are lost. Once we are completely sold out to the Lord, it is no longer about us and our own earthly expectation of a "good life." It is about living the life of a Christ-follower. Is it always easy? No. That is why we have the choice to follow Him or not. When we choose to follow Him, we have to be living proof that it is all about the Lord and trusting that His plan is what is best. Our lives should be a living testament to what the Lord can and will do for all who call upon His name, no matter what we have to go through for that to become reality.

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