Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Matthew 1-2

I really admire the complete obedience, faith and selfless acts of worship within the story of the birth of Jesus. Let's start with Joseph and Mary. They had their lives planned. They were going to be married and live the typical lives of two normal Israelites. Something I have learned many times in my life: God's will does not always match up perfectly with our plans. As a Christ-follower, we must be prepared, willing and even excited about the possibility of the Lord changing our plans and working through us. Mary and Joseph did not know what Lord was doing when He asked them drop all their plans and leave the comfort zone that they had created for themselves. They simply trusted (1) that was the Lord's will and it was the Lord speaking to them and (2) that they would be taken care of if they chose to follow the Lord's lead. Like Mary and Joseph, we must be determined to give of ourselves in direct obedience, despite not being confident in the human knowledge of why things are the way they are (Matthew 1:24). Thoughtless obedience and confidence in the Lord is the only way He can fully work through us. Mary and Joseph didn't know the outcome, what they did know was that beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Lord was working through them for the good of His kingdom. They wanted to be a part of that, despite the struggles they knew they would have to endure. If we have a Christmas-story faith, He will use us and protect us through everything that He leads us through. He will reveal to us that it is Him speaking to us if only we keep attentive and remain faithful (Matthew 1:20). The story of Jesus' birth is the epitome of His character. The Lord sent His son to save our lives. He is ever-present and desires to form an everlasting bond with each and every one of us. He stooped to our level by becoming human and walking through the same struggles we face. He came to give us a chance; a chance to be saved despite our human nature; an opportunity to know Him; and a chance to live eternally in His Heavenly perfection (Matthew 1:21,23). The Lord even gave Herod a chance to know Him. I believe that is why he and the Magi crossed paths. The Lord was giving Herod a chance to do the right thing and surrender to the Almighty. Did he take that opportunity? No, but that is free-will. Nonetheless, all we as Christ-followers must be willing to put His word out there. When we take that opportunity to know Him, it is crucial that our next step lies within the willingness to be like the Magi and go the distance to worship Him (Matthew 2). The Magi had faith and were willing to give of themselves and travel for miles and miles just to worship Him. We may not know why things happen the way they do, but in the end, all things will work together to fulfill His will (Matthew 2:13-16). There is confidence in that. But, we have to be willing to walk through whatever He calls us to with complete faith in Him. We have to want to go the distance; as far as He calls us to go; as much mess as He calls us to go through just so we can end up worshiping Him in Heaven for all eternity. How far will you go; what will you walk through to worship the King?

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