Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A marvelous Creator

I am finally all caught up with the readings and I was so far behind for this week I will just post my favorite reading which was Genesis 1-3:
My heart skips a beat and butterflies arise in my stomach as I read the first five words in Genesis "In the beginning God created.." What a marvelous sentence for the beginning of an amazing story. I try to visualize the next several sentences but its so hard to image what the beginning could have looked like, however it must have been amazing to watch God form everything together. After the overview in Chapter one, Chapter two gets more detailed. My favorite part about chapter two is verse seven (not taking this from what we talked about at the Hut, by the way) Gods breath of life fills our nostrils...As I read that I just see all of creation just pausing, all wind ceases, animals stop there feeding and look up to what there Creator is going to do next and then there it is a Man form with God in front of him smiling and then... BREATH... WOW! Gods love is AMAZING breathe in us, who are we? Gods breath is so very important to this life without it we are but a form, a body, a shell, but with breath, with life we can do so much. We can seek knowledge and wisdom, we can accept or reject, we can dance or jump, we can talk with our Creator! Breath is important because it is a part of our Creator inside us, every time we inhale and exhale we are reminded, yet I know that I take my breath, my life for grant. This chapter showed me how important we are to God, important enough to fill our nostrils with his breath and with out HIM we are nothing.
Chapter three I will be short cause I talked your ear off in chapter two...
Reading through the fall of man it showed me just ONE choice can change the course of a persons life FOREVER. I need to remember that every minute, every moment, every choice is important and my decision effects my course of life forever..
In all God has shown me the Importance of Him as my Creator and how to handle this life he has given me with obedience and submit to His will because my choices will fail with out HIM!

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