Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Romans 5,6

Romans is not hard for me to understand but it is hard for me to articulate my understanding.

Chapter 5: Justification through faith in Jesus Christ takes away guilt and so makes way for God's peace. Through Jesus Christ alone the believer comes into fullness of joy, being saved from wrath, not only going to heaven, but going triumphantly.

Chapter 6: Deliverance from the power of indwelling sin by counting the old life dead, and yielding to the new life. It is an abuse of the grace of God in Christ for the believer to think he can sin because he is justified by faith. We must cease from the acts of sin, denying the fleshly life, and surrender to righteous law of God so that we give glory and honor to the righteousness of God.

Promises I like from these two chapters:

1. We've been justified by faith

2. We have God's peace

3. We have gained access into grace

4. We rejoice in our sufferings

5. We get perseverance, character and hope

6. We have God's love in our hearts

7.. We have the Holy Spirit

8. We are no longer powerless

9. We are alive to God through Christ Jesus.

10. We have become slaves to righteousness.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right to say that it is difficult to verbalize what we get out of these chapters. It is full. Our justification through the blood. Our call to present ourselves as members of righteousness to God. Our freedom from the bondage of sin. The understanding that through one man's disobedience there is sin and through one man's obedience there is salvation. You did a great job verbalizing by the way. Thanks
