Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Monday, January 9, 2012


What the heck are "sons of God?"

And I don't mean "sons of God" as used in the New Testament. I'm talking about in Genesis 6, when the "sons of God" slept with "daughters of men" and had giant children, or Nephilim. WHAT IS THIS?!?

In all seriousness though, Lisa and I have been talking about it today and we're wondering. Are they angels? Are they fallen angels? Because in Job 1:6, it mentions sons of God and Satan coming to present themselves to God.

Of course I've read this before, but never really given it too much thought. And Bible commentaries are saying mixed things. 

Inquiring minds want to know. What do y'all think??

- Abbie & Lisa


  1. "sons of God" is used three other times in the Old Testament (Job 1:6, 2:1, and 38:7) It is clearly referring to angelic creatures. Jude 1:6 tells us of the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own habitation. He makes it clear what God did to these wicked angels: reserved in everlasting chains under darkness from the judgment of the great day. By not keeping their proper place, they are now kept in chains. Their sinful pursuit of freedom has put them in bondage. Sounds similar to us when we pursue our freedom away from God.

  2. Why did they present themselves to God? And if sin can not be in the presence of God how could Satan and sons of God present themselves to Him?

  3. and Genesis 6:2 tells us that sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful so they took themselves and had children with them and they made giants... How were they in chains is they were able to roam on the earth and take woman and make child with them?

  4. Lisa,
    I do not know where it says that sin cannot be in the presence of God. Try not to separate Jesus. Did He not come into the world? Did He not bear the sins of the world? He knew no sin but sin is in His presence. We can not get to Him in our sin but His presence is with us. God is everywhere, including hell. He is fully aware of sin and is around it. There is just no sin with him, or in him. So as we go to him we must be pure. The Blood is the only way. That is how satan and sons of God present themselves to Him, just like you and me. Love ya.

  5. Is it possible that in the pre-flood earth there where Hybrid angel spirit-humans? What about now, are there more evil spirits being birthed? Just some questions to think on.

  6. Apparently the children that the human women bore from the "sons of God" fathering them were giants. Maybe even Goliath. I do not believe they were angels but they were definitely superior in physical presence than fully human men. I did some archeological research and there have been skeletal remains found of giants. As fare as Brandon and Kayla's question my understanding is that God has bound all of those who came to earth in that form. I do believe that evil spirits do dwell in some Godless people but I do not believe they are being birthed.

  7. Weird stuff. Interesting to think about though. Thanks for weighing in with your input guys!
