Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Job 1-2

Job is such an admirable individual. He has the faith that we should all envy and strive to emulate. The question that we must ask ourselves: If everything that defined us as happy and successful in this world was taken from us: our loved ones, the possessions that crown our achievements, our physical health, even our emotional health; despite all of those losses, would we still, without fail, praise God because we will never lose Him? I am sorry to say, but the second that any of those were taken from me, I'm not quite sure I would be capable of bouncing back to complete faith. Why? If we, as Christ-followers, claim to have all that we need in our Lord and Savior, why would He not be enough if we were left with Him and Him alone? That is the way of the world in us. We put far too much stock in the physical entities around us. Job clearly states that Satan is in control of our worldly possessions. I believe that is often why the non-Christ-followers of this world have so much, because it rules their lives. That is their god, which, in-turn, makes Satan the reigning power over their very being. If we were to put as much effort into worshiping the God that we claim to serve as they do in their god, would we really NEED everything that we "have to our name?" Granted, it is much easier to give in to our natural instincts than to defy our human nature to follow our Heavenly father. I come back to the fantastic question that Dan asks constantly, "Do you believe that what you believe is really real?" Let's take a quick look at what we believe. Just to name a few...
  • God is our provider
  • God is our healer
  • God is our helper
  • God is our deliverer
  • God is our strength
  • God is our sustainer
  • God is our foundation
  • God is our protector
  • God is ever-present
  • God is our guide
  • God is EVERYTHING that we need
If we live as though we believe that our beliefs are true, we would have no need for the things that Job had taken from him; the very things that often define our status in this life. God is all we need. Either we believe that or we don't; and we must live as such. Satan will do all that he can to devour those of us who claim to have a real relationship with God. If Satan chooses to come after us with all that he owns (i.e. every worldly thing), we must be prepared to lose everything for the Lord. We have to keep our eyes focused on God and be thankful that He is all we need. Choose this day whom you will serve. It MUST be a whole-hearted decision. Everything that we hold dear in this life is at stake. In order to be true Christ-followers, we must be willing to lose everything to gain eternal life; in the end, that is all that matters.

The final question: What defines you? The tangible gains of this world or our intangible father?