Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What I think: Joshua 11-15

These chapters in Joshua display some of the most prevalent foundational ideals of following Christ. Chapter 11 shows Joshua and his men continuing to follow the Lord's direction to a T. The Lord threw a lot at Joshua and his men, things that to a lot of us would seem unconquerable. Just as Joshua knew: the Lord will protect us against the imminent opposition we face by claiming the name of Christ. The Lord promises us that He will guide and protect us as long as we will listen and obey, no questions asked. When we start to doubt the Lord is when we begin incorporating our own decisions in with the Lord's will. That is never a favorable concept. We are human, so to second-guess is in our nature. When the Lord is first and everything He says goes, we have confidence in His promises to Joshua. No matter how great the opposition, the Lord is greater and can do all things through those who obey.

I love that it said Joshua was old, but the Lord still had many things He wanted to accomplish through Joshua. That just goes to show that regardless of our earthly situation (young, old, handicapped, etc.) the Lord does not see our ailments, He sees a vessel sold out to His will, working for His glory. If we are willing to trust and obey the Lord with everything in us, He will do great things for His kingdom through us. The Lord does not see our worldly circumstances as hindering, so why should we?

The Lord worked through Joshua and His men in marvelous ways because they hinged on His every command. Chapters 12-15 list the accomplishments and blessings bestowed upon Joshua and his men. It just astounds me the immensity of the blessings they received because they followed the Lord. It occurred to me that Joshua and his men were working for the Lord, not for the blessings they would receive. Their eyes were fixed on the prize, but not the immediate ever-chased prize. They diligently pursued the prize of serving their King with all they had and working for His glory. They did not consider their reward to be the earthly benefits the Lord gave them. They received the ultimate prize, the only thing they really wanted: an eternity with their Lord. It is proven by what the Lord says in 13:33: the tribe of Levi was not given any earthly inheritance, the Lord was their inheritance. What is incredible to me is that was enough for them. That is all any of them wanted. When we choose to follow the Lord and His commands, we can't always expect tangible blessings of this earth. We have to desire the Lord with all of our heart, which makes Him enough. He should be all that we need and what we desire most of all. He has proven time and time again that He IS enough for us. He is really all we need. Following Christ is not about what He can do for us or what He can give us. Pursuing the life of a Christ-follower with anything but the mind and heart of Joshua is inaccurate. We were designed to follow Him for a relationship, not benefits. When we gain that true relationship and change of heart, immediately, the Lord becomes our focus, fully our God. Though we may receive earthly blessings, it no longer really matters. True Christ-followers desire God above all else. With that mindset, we will receive the everlasting prize.

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