Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Matthew 8-10

I love the Gospels because you get to really see the Character of Jesus and his disciples and how they do ministry. So often people get too caught up in traditions and just the way they have seen ministry done for years. We also get doctrine from the church or other sources without basing some of our beliefs on scripture. We forget about Jesus' ministry and the example he shows us in the gospels and the church he sets up in Acts.

When Jesus prays for the sick, dead or demon possessed his prayers do not sound anything like most prayers I have heard in the church; no authority, faithless and unfruitful. When Jesus prays, and later the Apostles, they pray with authority and faith and then God heals the sick, raises the dead and cast out demons.

Isaiah 53:4 says "He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases." So that means along with our sins Jesus also took sickness and disease. The woman in Matt. 9:18-26 was healed according to her faith. Revelation 12:11 says that Satan was defeated by "the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony," now that's powerful! What authority we have as children of God with the name of Jesus! He has the authority and gives us the right to use it just like he did!

So next time you pray for someone or pray over yourself think about how Jesus would pray. See how He will move in your live, or in someone else's life. Lets get back to the way church was in Acts. I want to see God really move in our lives. The Hut is more like the original church than most "Churches" in more than one way.

Sorry to get slightly off topic with the church. I have been wanting to post something about the church for a while but didn't. It's been on the hearts of many people in the area including myself.

Who's the Church?
We're the Church!

God Bless,


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