Welcome to the HUT (House Under Truth) Challenge

2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Romans 7-8

It's 1/22/2012 and this is my first post.  First I apologize for not following with everyone I feel I also need to do this and be held accountable and get help when needed.

Romans 7 1-6 Is a section where mine parts off talking about the adultres.  I have to say that for people who know the law of being a christian and they know it have sinned I feel for those more so that dont know the law, but are indeed a "Christian" and they still do it.  Would they be accountable for the law if they did not know that part before they got a divorce and was still a Christian?

Romans 7 7-12-Talks about the law being holy and we must follow it though we all will still struggle I agree with it.  When it was not here people did not know right from wrong.  Yes they had feelings, but before God told them of this law they did not know what was truley right and truley wrong.  I still find it hard to believe even when we do have the law and have become alive we still fail and dont follow the law when we all know it's right.

Romans 7 13-end  The rest of this chapter is a bit confusing, so can someone clarify me if I'm wrong?  I think what he's trying to say here is that now that we have the law we must fight our sinful desires everyday because we are dead without God's law.  Or flesh want to have different desires then our spiritual desires do.  Being dead from the start and becoming alive again with the spirit we show that the spirit is what is in charge of our lives since we have no chance without it for the body and and mind of us is sinful alone, but the spirit in us is not sinful why we must have it to help control our lives so we don't do any evil.

Romans Chapter 8: 1-11 Was basically a recap looks like on the closing of 7.  It almost says the same thing right?  I'f I'm wrong please correct me.

I am a bit confused here but I do know he is repeating over and over again that without God and Jesus who is the law we are sin, so we do not know him for he does not know us.  Without him dying on the cross and raising again we would be nothing but dust still on the ground, but because he did that we know he is in us when we accept him and follow his law who God and Jesus is.  (This is what I got from reading that passage.  I cant wait to hear what others have to say about it as well :).  This is a good way to get help and just contemplate on the things you have just read).

1 comment:

  1. Darik. Good job on the post. Sometimes the word can seem confusing but I think God is giving you some good insight. God knew we would get into trouble using our own value system to measure right and wrong. He gave us the law for a measurement of right and wrong. Now we know what sin is and we know that our flesh is full of it. Without the law to help us know and the sacrifice of Christ we are dead. With Him we are alive but only because of the blood. Good stuff.
